Stepping Outside My Culture Box

I’m not sure if that’s the title I want but it fits. So we’ll go with it. 

We’ve had a lot going on in our family over the last several months. Our sweet baby girl walked the isle to the man of her dreams and they vowed their lives to each other.  It was a beautiful ceremony and we are so very happy for Hannah and Roger. We pray the Lord will always bless their marriage and they will always consider Him the most important part of their marriage. 

Harrison entered into an agreement to buy the Barber Shop where he’s been working. We are very happy how the Lord has blessed him through the owners of the shop and how God has opened impossible doors for Harrison. It’s been amazing what God has done.

He and Justin leave on a cruise next Sunday that Justin won through work. I know they’re going to have the best time as brothers on the high seas. I look forward to hearing all about their trip when they get back. Poor Brittany hasn’t the stomach for sailing the open seas so she ended up giving up this wonderful trip that made it possible for Harrison to go. 


Justin and Brittany are doing very good. He’s working hard at selling homes and she’s working hard for missionaries, both busy in their work for the Lord together.

Our church is having a Mother’s Day Concert Sunday night. The youth choir will be singing and all the special singers will be doing a couple songs each. I’m looking forward to worshiping the Lord in song. I think it will be a lovely day to end Mother’s Day. Bruce and I plan on singing a song we do regularly and we’re learning a new song too. I love learning new songs. God is good to allow us to serve him together and it’s icing on the cake that we can do it through music, which we both love. 

This week I started two new things. One is learning to speak Spanish. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. Bruce and I have talked for years about how great it would be to learn Spanish and the Lord has opened that door for us through our church. We are looking forward to this exciting opportunity and hopefully being able to use it for His glory. 

Our Spanish teacher, Mrs. Andrea, gave us a paper to teach us how we can pray and I’ve been practicing this week. Not only am I practicing, but I’m teaching it to my first through fourth grade class at school. Plus, I’m learning and teaching a little extra as we go. It’s so fun!

The other new thing I’m learning is tai chi ch’üan. 

Recently I’ve noticed, being in this wonderful change of life called perimenopause, that there are changes taking place in my body that I have not consented to, and man, it’s all over the place!

After a little research, I discovered that tai chi can be very helpful with many symptoms that I have been experiencing. Even if you’re not in this great stage of life, you may find it beneficial for yourself as well.

The main reason I settled on trying tai chi is that I noticed within recent months, that my joints were randomly hurting and sometimes with a little burning sensation. It will last a few days and then it is over. A few days with a wrist, then a shoulder, an elbow, a knee, a foot… But wouldn’t you know that besides all the other symptoms, aching and a burning joints was a symptom as well? Just put a check mark by all the perimenopause symptoms for me!

Anyone that knows me well, knows I’m not about medication. I really don’t like taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen. But sometimes it’s necessary.

My first reaction, however, is to either fake it til I make it, or find a home remedy. Which is why I was researching because this joint pain had me chewing three ibuprofen at a time off and on throughout the day. Well, that’s not good!

Upon my search I found tai chi. Which has always fascinated me anyway. And when you think about it, any time you see pictures or videos of groups or individuals doing tai chi, they’re all in my age bracket and older. So rather than fight ‘em, I might as well join ‘em.

Here are just a few things tai chi may be able to help you with: *Reduced pain scores for people with fibromyalgia. *Sleep quality, which I fight all the time. If you see me sleeping, leave-me-alone. If I wake up, I’m up. And that’s not good for any of us. *Relieves fatigue *Reduces depression *relaxes the mind, muscles, and joints *increases flexibility and strength, both of which I feel I’ve lost over the last couple of years *improves cardiovascular health *corrects posture *reduces stress, something I feel I’m under 24/7 these days *improves your mood *promotes weight loss *improves cognition *reduces risk of falling, which I tend to lean to a falling position sometimes with a fused ankle. It’s funny now until I break a bone *improves symptoms of COPD, perhaps because of the deep breathing exercises. 

If you suffer from chronic knee pain, then tai chi may not be the exercise for you. And it’s a daily exercise. I’m committing to 100 days. They say after 100 days, you can see and feel a considerable difference for the better. I’m starting out with just ten minutes a day and will gradually move my way to 20-30 minutes a day, journaling as I go. 

It will take discipline and allowing nothing to stand in the way. 

God, please help me. in Jesus name, Amen.

Dios, por favor ayúdame. En el nombre de Jesús, amén.

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