New Beginnings Again

It may come to a shock to some but most people know, I took a position as a secretary at a nearby mission board. It is an honor to serve the Lord in this capacity. Today we are printing 10,000 tracts to be sent to a church for their distribution. Some may think that’s not very exciting, but it is when you know the possiblity of a soul being reached is at their finger tips if they’ll just put their trust in Him.

Bruce and I are about to become “empty nesters.” I’m not sure how I feel about it, honestly. Sometimes it makes me sad. And other times I’m glad to see the Lord open doors for our children to grow both physically and spiritually. And also allow some time for Bruce and I to get used to the quiet. Ha!

Justin and Brittany are still very much involved in serving the Lord through music and youth at their church. They stay pretty busy all the time. I enjoy seeing cars in their driveway, knowing they are showing hospitality to their siblings or friends from church. Hospitality is an admirable trait.

Hannah and Roger are enjoying all the moments of being newlyweds. We don’t see much of them but it’s good to see them so in love and enjoying all the newness of marriage together. Hannah is still working in the Pharmacy at the hospital and Roger is serving our community as a Police Officer. Hannah and Roger are both serving in both of their churches. They can’t seem to settle on whose church to stay at, so their churches get the best of both of them in the mean time as they serve together.

Harrison bought a Barber Shop and is doing really well here in town. He just made a deposit on his first rental home. We’re excited to see him fly on his own. We’re proud of the hard worker he is and look forward to seeing what God can do for him in the future. He’s still serving in his church and in his spare time, enjoys being with his best friends.

In May we saw Hannah turn another year older. June brought another birthday for Justin and I saw the end of the school year and a summer job for me here at the mission board. July brought me sad tears as I let go of teaching and happy tears as I embraced my new position as a secretary at the mission board. We also enjoyed our very first Family VBS at church. It was amazing! If your church has never done this, you would love it. The families are together at all times. We would start in the gym for supper and crafts together. They move to the sanctuary for games, a Bible story read to the children by our Pastor as they sat around his feet, and then a lesson for all. It was fabulous! August brought us vacation time for Bruce and me. We loved a whole week of doing nothing but reading and going ’round and ’round the Lazy River. We shopped and ate great food, read books and napped. This is our hottest month of the year here where we live. Thank the Lord for Air Conditioning! Next month is filling up quickly with revivals, conferneces, time with friends, and another short get-away with Bruce.

I asked one of our missionaries if I could share this picture and story and he graciously said yes. Brother Andrade is a missionary in Hondruas and he took a team to a very large landfill there where hundreds and hundreds of families gather to dig through garbage to get their food and whatever else they can find to meet their needs. They took bookbags, school supplies, and snacks to the children along with a Bible for each one as well. As they were leaving the landfill they became stuck in traffic. Brother Andrade noticed a little boy sitting in the grass alone. He called the boy to his car and gave him a bookbag, school supplies, snacks, and a Bible. The little boy ran back to his spot in the grass and opened his new Bible and bagan reading. Brother Andrade and his team sat in traffic for a very long time and watched the little boy never put his new Bible down. He continued reading it until they could no longer see him. I pray that God’s Word takes root in his little heart and he receives Christ as his Savioiur one day. Pray for these missionaries as they try to reach and minister to the people of Honduras.

Thats all the updates for now. God is good through all of our days. Even the really tough ones. We are blessed to have Him on our side.

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